Maggie Barnes
Co Chair
Maggie is a dual-degree JD/MEM student with Vermont Law School and the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies. She is using her time at Yale to explore the nexus between social justice and conservation. When not in the library, she loves biking, trail running, and spending time in the mountains.

Chelsea Bowling
Co Chair
Chelsea is a third-year JD student at the Yale Law School, and part of the law school’s Environmental Justice Clinic. She has spent her summers at the Sierra Club and Earthjustice, and plans to continue to pursue justice-focused environmentalism after graduation. In her free time she likes hiking, ice skating, and learning to play banjo.

Ama Francis
Co Chair
Ama is a third-year JD student at Yale Law School, and a native of Dominica. She focuses on climate change policy for small island states, and serves environmental justice communities as part of Yale’s Environmental Justice Clinic. After graduation, she plans to advocate for developing countries in the climate arena, and help build resilience on the ground. Ama is a yoga devotee, fiction writer, and an avid lover of waterfalls.

Leehi Yona
Co Chair
Leehi Yona is a Master of Environmental Science candidate at the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, where she is researching the ecological and political dimensions of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Program. She is interested in interdisciplinary solutions to climate change and is passionate about climate justice and the Arctic. When not doing research or community organizing, Leehi loves to paint Impressionist art.