
New Directions in Environmental Law 2019 Program:
Global Climate Justice

 Saturday, March 2     Kroon Hall (map)
Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies

 8:10a  Knob

Registration & Breakfast

 9:00a  Burke



 9:15a  Burke

Keynote Address - Elizabeth Yeampierre



Plenary Panel I

 10:00a  Burke

Equity in International Climate Negotiations

 11:30a  Knob

Coffee Break


Breakout Panels 1

 11:40a  Burke

Public Health Co-benefits of Climate Action 

 11:40a  G01

Challenging Power Asymmetries Through Inclusive Adaptation 

 11:40a  Bowers

Exploring the Rights of Nature 

 12:45p  Knob



Breakout Panels 2

 1:50p  Bowers

Leaving Home: Displacement in the Context of Climate Change

 1:50p  G01

Climate Injustice Behind Bars 

 1:50p  Burke

Protecting Tomorrow: Intergenerational Justice

 2:55p  Knob

Coffee Break


Breakout Panels 3

 3:05p  Burke

Urban Resiliency: Think Global, Prepare Local

 3:05p  G01

Climate Solutions: the true, the false and the just 

 3:05p  Bowers

Indigenous Rights & Resistance in a Changing Climate 


Plenary Panel II

 4:10p  Burke

Comparative Litigation: Climate Justice in the Courts

 5:40p  Burke

Closing Keynote Address - Comissioner Robert Eugenio Cadiz

 6:25p  Burke


 6:30p  Knob

Cocktail Reception and Homage to Wangari Maathai 

*Name and order of panels is subject to change